1: Detour
Traveling from Philadelphia, the Kingdom family,




and Max are on their way home to Cincinnati after a lovely Christmas weekend with Wilson’s parents.

On the other side of Pittsburgh, Monica, who is eight months pregnant, informs Wilson they must find a bathroom now.

“Babe, we’re in the middle of nowhere.”

“Find one now or we’re going to have a mess,” Monica assures him.

Luckily, there’s a random exit with what looks to be a gas station three miles off the highway.

As they drive down a country road, that three miles seems a lot farther.

“Oh-oh-oh,” Monica declares, “I’m about to pop! ” Wilson replies, “that highway sign said three miles but I know we’ve gone five already.”

Then, around a curve, there it is — an old gas station, Chad’s Gas & Grill. They pull over.

Monica bursts from the family van.

The rest of them make their way inside.

The kids tell each other all the snacks they’ll get and…

head straight for the junk food aisle.

Wilson approaches the counter. A scruffy guy greets him. “Hey buddy, what cha need?”

“I’ll take $40 on pump two out there plus whatever snacks the kids decide on.”

Wilson laughs a little as he turns to look at Lucy and Max.

Scruffy guy says, “Sure buddy. Hey, got a question for ya.”